Event Grant

The Doctoral School PhilKult seeks to promote new forms of cooperation and collaboration between its members and within broader national and international networks. Members are therefore invited to apply for financial support for guest lectures, workshops, guest lecture series, symposia or retreats. Innovative online formats are also most welcome. Such events should be conceived with the particular interests and needs of doctoral students in mind and, in addition, provide an opportunity for members of the DocSchool to gain invaluable experience in organising and running events.

Basic Information

Types of Financial Support and Spending Limits 

Costs that can be covered include travel and accommodation for guest lecturers and other material expenses directly related to the event and its participants (e.g. advertising, print material, refreshments etc.)


The upper limit of costs is, naturally, related to the type of event.

Application and Required Documentation

For a grant under 1.500 Euro, applications can be submitted to the respective Head of Section throughout the year (i.e. symposia, workshops, guest lectures etc.) 

For a grant over 1.500 Euro, applications should be submitted at least one month in advance of meetings of the Leadership Committee via the Coordinator of the DocSchool (ds.philkult@univie.ac.at ). In the case of approval, costs will then be split between the Section (1.500 Euro) and the central budget.

Applications should be submitted at least one months before the event takes place. 

Required Documentation

  • Application form including a description of the event and its relevance for the research of the applicants and the life of the DocSchool 
  • Table of costs
  • List of participants
  • Approval and signature of the Head of Section (in the application form)

i.e. the approval of the Head of Section should always be sought.


One month after the event at the latest, the organisers of the event should send a short report to the Coordinator of the DocSchool. This can contain information about the success and outreach of the event and how the main results of the event will be developed in the future (e.g. a special issue of a journal, a further grant application, greater cooperation between new partners etc.). 

 Application Form

 Payment Form for Guest Lectures