Event Grant


The DocSchool PhilKult seeks to promote new forms of cooperation and collaboration between its members and within broader national and international networks. Members are therefore invited to apply for financial support for guest lectures, workshops, guest lecture series, symposia or retreats. Innovative online formats are also most welcome. Such events should be conceived with the particular interests and needs of doctoral students in mind and, in addition, provide an opportunity for members of the DocSchool to gain invaluable experience in organising and running events.

NB When organising retreats, please note that they can only take place within Austria.


You will need to have completed your ‘FöP’ (Public Presentation of your research topic) and have a Doctoral Thesis Agreement. Your main supervisor must be at the University of Vienna. In addition, your Annual Progress Reports should be up-to-date (i.e. one per year) and you will be involved in the DocSchool in some way by, for example, attending events organised by your section or organising your own activities.

What types of costs can I apply for?

We know that events can come in many different shapes and sizes. Moreover, it is often not only a case of organising an event but also thinking about promoting it and creating opportunities for networking.

Thus, generally speaking, you are able to apply for the following costs: guest lectures (i.e. travel, accommodation) material costs (e.g. advertising, programmes, etc.), refreshments and, if appropriate, honoraria (€200 for half a day, €400 for a full day). 

It is not possible to finance: daily expenses, taxis or the publication of proceedings.

If you are not sure about what can be funded and what cannot be funded, please check the University guidelines on material expenses which can be found in English here.

How do I apply?

Basically, there are two types of application:

1. under €5000 (e.g. guest lectures, smaller conferences, symposia, workshops etc.)

  • there are no deadlines; applications can be submitted throughout the year
  • applications are submitted to the Head of Section and must contain:
  1. application form including a description of the event and its relationship to the research projects of doctoral students and work of the DocSchool
  2. a brief overview of projected costs
  3. a list of participants

2. over €5000 (e.g. large events, conferences, retreats, summer schools, excursions*)

  • applications must be submitted 3 months in advance of the planned event
  • they are to be submitted to the Leadership Committee (ds.philkult@univie.ac.at with the subject 'Large Event Grant') and should contain:
  1. application form including a description of the event and its relationship to the research projects of doctoral students and work of the DocSchool
  2. a brief overview of projected costs, including the proportional contribution from the budget of the Section (a minimum of 50% i.e. if the planned costs of a conference are €7000, the Section would be expected to contribute at least €3500)
  3. a list of participants
  4. approval of the Head of Section (in the application form)

*Excursions are only possible in accordance with the Rectorate's guidelines set out here (only in German): https://wiki.univie.ac.at/display/FIN/Exkursionen


Following the successful completion of the event, you are required to send a short report (max 1 page) of your experiences to ds.philkult@univie.ac.at (with the subject 'Event Grant Report'). Details about the form of the report can be found below but please include the basic details about the location, dates and organisers of the event. These reports are important for monitoring purposes and, together, give an overview of the activites of the DocSchool.

Organising Reimbursement

You can only organise the reimbursement for costs after the completion of the event. Please make an appointment with the Coordinator (ds.philkult@univie.ac.at) as part of the planning process in order to discuss the process of claiming costs.

We can only reimburse actual receipts. Thus for accommodation, we need the invoices from the hotel etc. (not reservations) and we cannot refund private arrangements.

Please keep all the original receipts until reimbursements have been made.

Applications which are not filled in correctly will be refused, so it is also in your best interests to follow the instructions laid out here and in the Budget Regulations of the DocSchool PhilKult.

 Application Form for Event Grants

 Information about Events Report