Completion Scholarship


The Doctoral School of Philological and Cultural Studies can support highly qualified members with a Completion Scholarship for the final phases of writing, editing and submitting their dissertation. The programme is aimed at doctoral students whose dissertation projects are nearing completion and who have no other main source of funding during the funding period of the scholarship. 


In essence, you should be able to make a plausible case that your dissertation will be completed within the timeframe of the Completion Scholarship.

You will need to have completed your ‘FöP’ (Public Presentation of your research topic) and have a Doctoral Thesis Agreement. Your main supervisor must be at the University of Vienna. In addition, your Annual Progress Reports should be up-to-date (i.e. one per year) and you will be involved in the DocSchool in some way by, for example, attending events organised by your section or organising your own activities.

In addition, you should be able to demonstrate significant academic achievements during your career to date (e.g. giving papers are conferences, publications, broader scientific communication, teaching, scholarships or prizes etc.).

Finally, the University requires that there is a period of at least six months between your last employment at the University of Vienna and the beginning of a Completion Scholarship. 


The scholarship amounts to €1.050 per month. Extra subsidies - material costs, travel etc. - are not possible.

You can apply for a Completion Scholarship for any number of months up to a maximum of six months. The scholarship only covers the period up to the submission of the dissertation i.e. it cannot be used for the time in preparation of the defensio.

Important note: Multiple funding by other institutions and/or the University of Vienna for the same type of scholarship is not permitted. Recipients are responsible for any taxes on the scholarship and insurance during the period of funding.

How do I apply?

There are two deadlines per year for applications for the Completion Scholarship: 15 March and 15 October.

Your application should include the following documents:

  1. completed and signed application form
  2. letter of motivation with a reason for your applying for the Completion Scholarship (this may include information, if relevant, about your employment or family situation)
  3. your latest c.v. with details of academic achievements to date (e.g. prizes, conference papers, publications etc.) 
  4. Annual Progress Reports ('Fortschrittsbericht')  for each year of doctoral studies 
  5. Transcript of Records ('Sammelzeugnis', i.e. details of examinations, credit points etc.)
  6. table of contents of your dissertation and all completed parts/chapters (even if they are to be revised)
  7. table laying out your work-plan, with stages and timings, until the submission of your dissertation 
  8. reference from your main supervisor
  9. approval from your Head of Section

First, present the materials to your Head of Section. Please then prepare the completed application, consisting of the application form, signed by the Head of Section, and all other documents in a SINGLE PDF document. It can be sent to the Coordinator of the DocSchool PhilKult at

Organising Reimbursement

There is no need to organise separate reimbursement for the Completion Scholarship. The scholarship is automatically paid once a month into the successful candidates' bank accounts.

This is part of the overall process for the Completion Scholarships:

  1. the application deadline closes;
  2. the Scholarship Committee - comprising the Leadership Team, Doctoral Representatives and Heads of Section - meets to assess and grade the applications (usually within four weeks);
  3. the Leadership Committee meets to make the final approval of the applications (usually within two weeks);
  4. all candidates are informed about the outcome of their applications;
  5. successful candidates fill in a special form for the payment of the scholarships (FIN K3a);
  6. the forms, signed by the Director of the DocSchool PhilKult, are forwarded to the Accounting and Finance Department of the University;

Candidates should therefore reckon with a period of between 4 and 8 weeks from the date of the deadline to payment of the scholarship (although, in certain cases, the scholarship can be backdated to the beginning of a calendar month).

 Application Form for Completion Scholarship