Short-Term Research Abroad Scholarship


The Doctoral School PhilKult supports international exchange as well as the visibility of its doctoral students by offering scholarships for short-term research visits abroad, including field research. The scholarships are intended for those students who need to undertake research outside Vienna; who are planning a block of field research; or who wish to develop and deepen specific international connections relevant for the dissertation project. 


You will need to have completed your ‘FöP’ (Public Presentation of your research topic) and have a Doctoral Thesis Agreement. Your main supervisor must be at the University of Vienna. In addition, your Annual Progress Reports should be up-to-date (i.e. one per year) and you will be involved in the DocSchool in some way by, for example, attending events organised by your section or organising your own activities.


The Doctoral School offers a scholarship of a lump-sum of 1000 Euros a month, for a maximum of three months (i.e. 3000 Euros).

Please note that the DocSchool cannot fund any private arrangements concerning accommodation. Any accommodation during the visit should be from an official source (e.g. hotel, airBnb, university halls of residence etc.).

How do I apply?

Deadlines for the research abroad grant are generally twice a year: 15 March and 15 October.

The DocSchool PhilKult is able, in general, to support only one short-term research visit during doctoral studies, general finances permitting.  

When applying, the following documents should be submitted:

  • application form, with approval and signature of the Head of Section; the Head of Section should see the complete application beforehand
  • a short letter of motivation explaining the relevance of the planned research visit for the dissertation project and setting out the activities proposed during the visit
  • a table of costs
  • a copy of your c.v.
  • letter of invitation from the host institution 
  • a short reference from the main doctoral supervisor

 In concrete terms:

  1. First, present your materials to your Head of Section.
  2. Please then prepare the completed application, consisting of the application form, signed by the Head of Section, and all other documents in a SINGLE PDF document. It should be sent to the Coordinator of the DocSchool Philkult at
  3. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept late applications.

Other funding possibilities?

A large database providing details of other funding possibilities abroad for doctoral students can be found at 

In addition, the International Office of the University of Vienna provides information about a number of international schemes in the ERAMUS+ programme (e.g. short-term mobility for doctoral students) as well as opportunities arising from the University's own Strategic Partnerships with international universities e.g.


Following the successful completion of your research stay abroad, you are required to send a short report (max 1 page) of your experiences to (with the subject 'STRAS Report'). Details about the form of the report can be found below but please include the basic details about the location, dates, collaborators etc. These reports are important for monitoring purposes and, together, give an overview of the activites of the DocSchool.

Organising Reimbursement

You can only organise the reimbursement for your costs after your trip is completed. You can find a simple flow diagram below which describes the steps in the process.

We can only reimburse actual receipts. Thus for accommodation, we need the invoices from the hotel etc. (not reservations) and we cannot refund private arrangements.

Please keep all your original receipts until you have received the reimbursement of your costs.

Applications which are not filled in correctly will be refused, so it is also in your best interests to follow the instructions laid out here and in the Budget Regulations of the DocSchool PhilKult.

 Application Form for Short-Term Research Abroad Scholarship

 Flow Diagram for Payment of STRAS (after travel)

 Information about Research Visit Report (after travel)