Onboarding Seminare

Die DocSchool PhilKult bietet ein reichhaltiges Programm an Workshops usw. in Bereichen an, die in einem traditionellen Doktorstudium nur spärlich vorkommen. Dabei arbeiten wir in Kooperation mit anderen DocSchools der Uni Wien mit professionellen und erfahrenen Trainer*innen.

Im kommenden Wintersemester 2024 bieten wir die folgenden Workshops an. Sie wurden mit Blick auf die Bedürfnisse der neuen Doktoranden geplant, aber alle sind herzlich eingeladen, daran teilzunehmen.

Bitte melden Sie Sich vor Montag, den 4. November 2024 beim Koordinator, Dr Jeremy Llewellyn, an (ds.philkult@univie.ac.at).

7. November 2024, 11.00-12.30 Uhr

Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1.11. 2A-Z1-01

Workshop 1: “How to Navigate Your PhD: Defining Your Purpose and Path
Find clarity and confidence as you transform from student to independent researcher.

Starting a PhD is more than just doing research and writing a thesis—it’s about stepping into your role as an independent researcher. This workshop will help you clarify the purpose behind your PhD and guide you through the essential mindset shift from student to researcher. We’ll explore how to align your PhD goals with your personal circumstances, making sure your expectations around time, energy, and effort are realistic and sustainable. By taking stock of what you can give and what you need, you’ll leave with a clear sense of direction and a PhD plan that actually works for you.

Why join?
Defining your purpose and adjusting your expectations early on will save you from common mistakes, help you stay on track, and empower you to manage your PhD in a way that suits your goals and your life.


14. November 2024, 14.00-15.30 Uhr

Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1.11. 2A-Z1-01

Workshop 2: “Building Strong Supervisory Relationships: Expectations, Feedback, and Professionalism
Master the art of managing one of the most critical relationships in your PhD.

The relationship with your supervisor can make or break your PhD experience. This workshop will help you develop a clear understanding of what to expect from your supervisor and what they will expect from you. We’ll cover the importance of proactive communication, self-management, and the boundaries of a professional relationship. You’ll also learn to assess your feedback needs, communicate those needs to your supervisor, and gain tips on seeking support effectively throughout different stages of your PhD.

Why join?
A healthy, productive relationship with your supervisor sets the foundation for a successful PhD. This workshop will give you the tools to handle this relationship confidently and avoid common pitfalls.


21. November 2024, 14.00-15.30 Uhr

Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1.11. 2A-Z1-01

Workshop 3: “Project Managing Your PhD: Staying on Track and Hitting Your Milestones
Stay focused and make sure everything you do serves your long-term PhD goal.

Your PhD is a big project, and managing it well is key to making steady progress. In this workshop, we’ll focus on the practical side of project management: setting milestones, prioritizing your work, and making sure everything—from conferences to papers—feeds directly into your thesis. You’ll learn how to plan realistically and break down big tasks into manageable steps. Plus, you’ll leave with a plan for the next three months that you can apply again and again throughout your PhD.

Why join?
A well-managed PhD project means less stress, fewer last-minute panics, and a smoother path to completion. It’s all about staying on track and making consistent progress.